Hi there! :)
I spent the last week thinking about what recipes I could write for MoFo, so I was like "Ok, a recipe from my grandma, and one from my grandpa - otherwise it's unfair! ;) -, a new recipe I tried over the last months and some basic recipes I learned..."
And I started writing a few... no, not recipes, just their titles!! :P
But now, I wasn't content with those titles and I wanted to try something completely new. Here's my chocolate and almond ciambella!
So now the point is, what's a ciambella?
My grandma used to make a very good ciambellone (it's another word for it, and it means huge ciambella, but I called mine the other way because it's not that huge and it's my first vegan one, so... let's be modest! :P ) and my mum still makes it, but they use eggs, so... I'm the black sheep! ;)
Here's my recipe! :)
- 200 gr white flour (I know it's better not to use it, but it's the one I found in the pantry)
- 150 gr sugar
- 50 gr unsweetened cocoa powder
- 250 ml homemade almond milk
- 50 ml corn oil
- 100 gr almond okara
- 16 gr baking powder (for desserts) - It is sold in little sachets, like sugar, so I didn't weigh each gram! If you have a sachet, just use it! :) I had a look on the grams because I couldn't find sachets when I was abroad - I found a can, instead - so it was hard with proportions.
- Put flour, sugar and cocoa in a large bowl and blend them.
- Add almond milk and corn oil, stir a bit and then add almond okara.
- Keep on stirring until you get a smooth cream.
- Add the baking powder and blend everything together.
- Spread some oil on the pan and add some flour, just a bit, so that the dough doesn't stick to the pan - maybe it's better to do this step before.
- Heat the oven to 180°C, pour your cream into a circular pan (with a hole!) and bake it for 40 mins.
- Wait it gets cold and take it out of the pan, isn't it nice?
- Cut it into slices and... enjoy! :)
Oggi ho preparato per la prima volta questa ciambella e ho pensato di condividerla con voi e con gli altri MoFoers.
- 200 gr di farina OO (So che è meglio non usarla, ma era l'unica che avevo)
- 150 gr di zucchero
- 50 gr di cacao amaro
- 250 ml di latte di mandorla autoprodotto
- 50 ml di olio di semi di mais
- 100 gr di okara di mandorle
- 1 bustina di lievito
- Mettete farina, zucchero e cacao in una ciotola e mescolateli.
- Aggiungete il latte di mandorla e l'olio di semi, mescolate un po' e poi aggiungete l'okara.
- Continuate a mescolare finché il composto non sarà liscio e cremoso.
- Aggiungete il lievito e continuate a mescolare.
- Versate il composto in una teglia precedentemente oleata e infarinata.
- Mettete in forno a 180° per 40 minuti.
Semplice semplice, ma spero vi piaccia! :)
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